PECC1 has co-ordinated with the Project Owner and related agencies to organize surveys and field investigations to serve for the preparation of the EIA report of the project. The field survey work in the project area includes Sampling, measuring, and monitoring the current status of ground environmental factors in the project area (air, noise, water, soil); Surveying the current status of the ecosystem where the project is implemented and in its vicinity; Surveying and collecting documents and data on the current status of people's livelihood, socio-economic status of the project area; Carrying out public consultations with organizations and communities affected by the project according to the law. The parties jointly analyzed and assessed the impacts during the construction and operation of the project, thereby proposing the most appropriate and optimal mitigation measures to limit the temporary and long-term impacts of the project on the environment.

Project Location
Seraphin Green Environment Technology Joint Stock Company is the Project Owner of Seraphin Waste-to-Energy Power Plant Project. The project applies Belgium’s Segher technology which is the state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly one originating from Europe with the main quality criteria of flue gases and incinerators satisfactorily to EU 2000/76/EC standards, other parameters are equivalent to or higher than those specified in QCVN 61/2016/BTNMT. This technology has been studied and improved with various advanced auxiliary equipment in support of improving the environmental quality in the waste treatment activities of the plant, renewing energy, especially suitable for Vietnam's waste (low heating value, high humidity, unsorted). The project aims to develop a high-quality environmental industry; with flue gas, wastewater and solid waste treatment satisfactorily to the most stringent standards and simultaneously bring the highest socio-economic efficiency.

Waste-to-Energy Line Diagram
Previously, in June 2020, PECC1 signed a Consulting and Design Contract with the Project Owner on Consulting and Designing for Supplemental to National Power Development Master Plan and preparing the Feasibility Study Report. Scope of work includes:
- PDP supplement is inclusive of:
+ Planning Seraphin Waste-to-Energy Power Plant to National Power Development Master Plan;
+ Planning 110kV substation connected to the national grid network;
+ Planning transmission line from Seraphin Waste-to-Energy Power Plant to connection point.
- FS Report is inclusive of:
+ Carrying out investigation serve for the preparation of FS Report and Technical Design;
+ Preparing FS Report for the plant and transmission line;
+ Preparing specialized reports: Fire Protection Report; Grid Connection and Connection for Power Purchase Report; Relay/Telecommunications/Scada-Ems Protection Report; Environmental Impact Assessment Report; Engineering Geological, Topographical, Hydrometeorological Survey Reports, etc. and other reports and agreements;
+ Preparing Technical Design.
In addition, PECC1 also provides bid evaluation services for EPC package for plant construction and assists the Project Owner in the EPC contract negotiation process.
Continuing to be trusted by Project Owner increasingly affirms the experience and qualifications of PECC1's engineers, and simultaneously affirms that the Company's financial capacity, facilities and technology fully meets strict terms and conditions set forth by the Project Owner.
Seraphin Waste-to-Energy Power Plant Project
- Project Owner: Seraphin Green Environment Technology JSC.
- Rated waste handling capacity: 1,500 tons/full day;
- Max. waste handling capacity: 1,650 tons/full day;
- Operation hours: ≥ 8000 hours/year;
- Power generation capacity (Including 03 steam incinerators (the capacity of each incinerator is 500 ton/days): 37 MW (2 units: 01 unit of 25MW, 01 unit of 12MW)
- Occupied area: 2.5ha;
- Expected construction schedule: 16 months
- Total investment cost: About 3,500 billion dong.