220kV Yen Hung substation
For the project, PECC1 signed the Contract with the Client in the specific services:
- Investigation to serve for the Construction Investment Project preparation
- Preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report;
- Mapping the detailed planning map at scale 1/500
- Preparation for site and route direction selection option;
- Investigation to serve for Technical Design – Construction Drawing;
- Preparation of Technical Design, Construction Drawing, Bidding Documents/Tender Proposal;
- Environmental instrumentation during the construction stage;
- Implementation and completion of specialized agreements such as: auxiliary power supply, Scada communication system, power metering, fire fighting design, telecommunications system and other agreements under the contract.
220kV Yen Hung substation and connection project, an energy project grade I, group B with total investment of more than 483 billion VND is newly constructed with the voltage of 220kV and located in Minh Thanh ward, Quang Yen town, Quang Ninh province. The project consists of a substation of more than 4.5 ha and a transmission line of 20km stretching across many localities, thus, it faces a variety of difficulties in the compensation and land clearance. The transmission line comprises 59 tower locations, 42 locations of which are in the mountainous terrain.

The project is built with the specific scale as follows:
Newly built 220/110/22kV substation with 01 220/110/22 kV-250 MVA transformer (AT1); land and location reserve for future installation of transformers. Accordingly, the 220kV side includes 01 transformer bay operated according to the triangle diagram (designed according to the incomplete quadrilateral diagram); land and location reserve for constructing 02 busbar diagram including 13 bays (10 spare bays). The 110kV side: the 2 busbar systems with transfer busbar, consist of 25 110kV bays. In this phase, equipment is installed for 11 bays, including 01 incoming bay for transformer, 08 110kV line bays, 01 110kV bus-coupling bay, and 01 110kV transfer bay. Reserved land and location for construction and installation of 14 bays.
The 220kV connection line: New construction of a 220kV double-circuit transmission line is connected for the transition from tower No. 6 on the existing 220kV Uong Bi - Trang Bach transmission line to the first connection point for transition at this location and the terminal point of 220kV Yen Hung substation, about 20km long.
The project is built to meet the load growth demand in the North, especially in Quang Ninh province, to increase safety, flexibility in operation, and stability for the national power system; reduce power loss in the transmission grid, and increase the overall production and business efficiency for the national power system.